Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Illuminating Thoughts

Just a few minutes ago, I read a statement that said, "God created you with the storm in mind."  That caused me to stop in my tracks.  In my wildest thoughts of my relationship with the Divine never have I ever thought or understood that I was put here for hard times.  At least, this is how I interpret the statement; or, is it just a metaphor for something else?

When I think of a storm, my thoughts go to the thunderstorms and tornadoes that came through the geographical area where I was raised.  They usually left a lot of destruction, tree branches in the streets, shingles blown off the roofs of homes, damaged homes and businesses.  Even where I am now, earthly activities as flooding, earthquakes and mudslides leave their marks.  Yet, we humans manage to make it through these catastrophes.  So, in this sense, perhaps we are made to get through the storms.

I believe the writer of that statement meant "storms" in the context of the issues of life.  It is not everyday that all goes well.  We meet with upsets in our personal relationships, the job, money, and other things that orb around our center.  So, when our balanced, harmonious life is thrown off kilter, there ensues the "storm".  It is at this time that I am thankful for the awareness that in spirit, 'I am wonderfully and fearfully made.'

From this point,  I am grateful for the many people who populated my life, providing wisdom, knowledge and their understanding of our relations to life.  This personal community included parents, pseudo-parents, uncles, aunts, godparents, cousins, friends, teachers, and other people my parents trusted to nurture and steer me and my siblings in the appropriate direction.  Needless to say, the vast majority of these people attended church in some capacity on a regular basis.  So what did I learn.

My nature is the nature of God, of Goodness and through a principle-centered approach to the issues of life and/or a 'storm', I am likely to get through those rough times.  And the Universe says, "Yes."  The principles I speak of are spiritual principles that exists throughout what we know as 'our life.'  One that I totally believe in is, I believe the ultimate goal of life to be complete freedom from all discord of every nature, and this goal is sure to be attained by all. To prove the principle, I must participate in changing my thinking, my habits, my way of being, if necessary, to bring about a better result.  And doing these things has resulted in my having better relationships with my loved ones, as well as handling the 'storms' of life when they show up.

I still have a reaction to the statement ,"God created you with the storm in mind."  Perhaps it is just a play on words to grab the reader's attention.  Whatever!  I believe God has provided tools, resources, and everything else that we need in this life.  I think I am abundantly provided for.  I think I am connected with all of this life, including the 'storm.'  I know who I am in the process.

Here, I'd like to recommend a couple of really good books to support your thinking of your divine nature:  This Thing Called You by Ernest Holmes and The Power of You by Chris Michaels.  Enjoy.Illuminata_Spiritual_Center@yahoogroups.com